
Why We Indians say अतिथि देवो भव:

Just as there are many diverse regions in our country India, there are also many diverse kinds of people living here. India is home to people from many different countries. Why? People from around the world have decided to come here because they want to enjoy the culture of India. You can consider India as a large salad bowl [ वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ]. The different cultures, languages and regions of the people in our country are like the ingredients in a large salad. A salad with only radish isn’t very exciting. But a salad with a combination of radish, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and other ingredients is delicious. The more ingredients, or diversity, the more flavorful our country will be! Here in India, we value the differences we have with others and learn from them. This diversity makes our country a unique and special place to live.
The word prejudice really has two parts: Pre means before , and judice means to judge . So the word prejudice means to judge something before you know much about it. There are many examples in history of people judging other people before they know much about them. For example, during World War II, when America was at war with Japan, many Americans pre-judged all Japanese Americans as our enemies. In our Country some people pre-judged RSS [ राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ ] as a Terrorist group without knowing about its contribution during the natural disaster.
Cultural heritage includes folktales , music, art and architecture . The architecture, or style of buildings, often reflected what was going on during that period of time or in that particular region. Traveling across the state, you can see houses, temples, parks, schools and other and public buildings. These are the places where many different generations of our state lived, worshiped and conducted business.

Lahra Badi-Dhar, Soron ji visit


*आज छठी है l*

*छठी के दूध  के बारे में सुना है???*  *आज छठी है l* छठिहार क्यूँ होता है,,,?ये बात हर कोई जानना चाहेगा,,क्यूंकि यदा कदा लोग ये सवाल उठाते रहते हैं,,,, बात कन्हैया की जन्म पश्चात की है,,बडा ही मनोरम समय था हर तरफ संगीत और बधाई के गीत बज रहे थे,,सारा नन्द ग्राम फूलों से सजा हुआ था,,हो भी क्यों न ,,आज कान्हा का छठा दिन जो था,,परन्तु ये क्या ,कनहा तो जोर जोर से रोये जा रहा था,,,हर कोई लल्ला को चुप करने का प्रयास कर रहा था,,मगर सब विफल... देव गण भी  प्रभू की ये लीला देख अचंभित थे,,देवों ने ब्रह्मा जी से निराकरण के लिए कहा तो ब्रह्मा जी ने,,शक्ति स्वरूपणी महामाया को भेज दिया ,,,कान्हा को चुप करने के लिए,,ये सुनके महामाया आनंदित हो गई इस कार्य को पाकर ,,,,और भांति भांति के रूप बदल कर लल्ला को चुप करने की प्रयास करने लगी ,,,कभी फूल बनती तो कभी पक्षी ,,,,कभी इधर जाती तो कभी उधर जाती,,,,लल्ला चुप ,,सबको शांति मिली,,,लेकिन लल्ला अपनी सर को कभी इधर तो कभी उधर क्यों कर रहा है,,,फिर खुद ही मुस्कुरा रहा है,,,दरअसल माया की माया सिर्फ प्रभू देख रहे थे और कोई नहीं,,,और फिर लल्ला रोने लगे,...


The first and most important thing in preparing yourself for a fast is to think about what you want to receive from it, why you are doing it. The more clearly you can define your goals, the more conscious you will be during the fast and the more you will gain from it.

Tulsi: A spiritual plant

A Tulsi plant at my home.